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Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Christmas Tree

This is the swap gift for Steve. well..... he is the only guy in the swap, accessory was just not suitable for him. Finally i've decided to make this to him: A christmas which full of ornament and a star on top with the name ''.
tata... here is it.
the stand made by aluminium wire.
the shining star, which made by recycle paper box.
(as claim by steve, their actual name is '', sorry ya, steve)
close up.
The crystal just like the ornament on tree,
This is the half done christmas tree. I've tried to dye the clay with acrylic color.... but it's just too hard to get the color i want. finally, paint it.

Steve and Icy,
hove you'll like it, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


  1. YES, WE LOVE IT !!!

    That is a very creative creation!

    It has become a member of Crystal Land. :)

    Merry Christmas too!

  2. wow~u always have good idea~^^
    last time the pipit market heart shape pillow also are made by u rite?

  3. Steve, glad that u like it... ^.^

    Ai yoyo, yaya the pillow made by me... haha

  4. haha..
    i try before to use bead to sew my fren name on a pillow, but it's so messy..=.=

  5. aiyoyo... it need a lot of patient.... ahaha
