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Friday, 28 August 2009

Whimsical Jar Swap

I've joined whimsical jar swap that organized by Kelly and my swap partner is Ciyou. if you would like to know more about it, pls see Kelly's blog for details

lets see my jar...
do u notice the character C? C stand for Ciyou...
this is my 1st time to try on embroidery, emmm... i can only say: not so good, but i've tried my best...
I hope the purple color air erasable ink mark will disappear when reached Ciyou.
Ciyou, hope you will like it..

Saturday, 22 August 2009


以往书展,一般手做爱好者会在城邦逗留最久,可是这次你们要失望了。城邦的booth超小,然后手做书是少的可怜。可是这次有一些书有特价,象《我爱布杂货2》只卖RM 12, 《我爱布杂货4》卖RM 16, 最后一本被早到的Jeslyn扫走,要25号才有新货。
Date: 22 Aug 2009 - 31 Aug 2009
Time: 10am - 10pm
Venue: Convention Centre KLCC, Halls 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

DIY Materials


I'm selling some of my collection of charms, pls see here for more details

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Earring Hook Tutorial

This is a simple tutorial on my way make a earring hook by wire.
Artistic Wire 20 Ga
Tools needed:
Round nose
Chain Nose
Nylon Jaws Pliers
Optional tools:
Wire Rounder
Chase Hammer
Metal Block
1. Straighten the wire by Nylon Jaws Pliers 2. Make a loop by round nose
3. left approx. 5cm to make the hook (the length depand on the size of your hook)
4. We need 2 to form a pair of hook
5. Put 2 wires together and form hook by a pen (or any round shape object).
(Note: i'll always make 2 together, in order to have same size, same shape's pair)
6. Round the wire like this
7. Slightly bend the wire at suitable spot
8. Cut the excess wire... tata... earring hook done
Optional steps:
to prevent your pretty face and skin being scracth by the wire (my main purpose), you may use wire rounder to de-bur the sharp end of wire.
flatten the wire by chase hammer and mental block to add some little pattern.
now we have a pretty earring hook~~~

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Clip on Earring II

上篇讲到我要test Clip on Earring 的耐度,看会不会掉,以下是结果:-
佩戴时间:01/08 (11.30am) to 02/08 (6.30pm)
1. 掉了3次,两次是用毛巾擦脸后拉到,一次在外面放下bag时弄到。
2. 午觉,晚上睡觉到早上都没有掉.
3. 我的皮肤会敏感的,平时只能带金或银的耳环,戴这个没有敏感。
I've tested on the clip on earring that made yesterday morning and is the result:-
Wearing date and time: 01/08 (11.30am) to 02/08 (6.30am)
Vanue: home and restaurant for dinner
1. the earring has drop 3 times, 2 times drop while i wide my face with towel where another 1 while i'm putting down my bag in restaurant.
2. i've been wore it for a nap and sleep overnight, it remain on my ear.
3. No sentitive problem as normally i was sentitive to the material other than real gold or silver.
It's result was acceptable and satisfactory ^.^