I've received the job from Kare's friend. Kare come from HK to MY for our friend's wedding, and bring along these 2 'things' for customization.
I'm not sure what is this, but base on Kare, they're ‘彩螺', something like shell, which is given by Feng Shui master, err....... can't imagine this related to feng shui... anyone know? Kare's friend's ideal is to make it into pendant, wrap the shell by wire, and the only requirement is the 'hole' must face up (to fill money?). It's really a tough job for me due to the irregular shape of the shell.
ok.... sometime we must take the challenge, right? start with some drawing 1st.....
then turn the drawing into finished goods... lol... sorry for the bad photo as i'm only free to snap it at night time before Kare back to HK and sorry that i'm only managed to make 1 pendant and left another 1 back to the owner with it's original look.
Kare's friend, hope you will like it ^.^