This design was extended from the wire bracelet, i mean the net..... 3 steps to make the earring, 1. form the round shape frame 2. wrap swarovski crystal to the frame 3. make the net.
love this crystal AB piece so much, sparkling and shine.
dark blue color, or "Montana" in swarovski's term.
在制作的过程中,有些意外是难免的,就好像。。。wire断了 :'(... wu wu wu~~~ 要拆开重做。
在制作的过程中,有些意外是难免的,就好像。。。wire断了 :'(... wu wu wu~~~ 要拆开重做。
私房大公开~~ wakaka....大太阳时拍照的地方。看到我那架14寸电视没有? 就放在上面拍啦~~