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Thursday, 30 April 2009

Wire Bracelet

这几天的进度很慢,原因是制作这些不太熟悉的wire bracelet。用了粉晶, swarovski crystal 和artictic wire, 作了两个款式,还蛮满意的。这两款会在星期天的event卖哦。。
Take quite long time to complete these bracelets due to unfamiliar technic of wirework. Both bracelets made by rose quartz, swarovski crystal and artistic wire. They're going to up for sell at coming Sunday event.

front view
back view

Tuesday, 28 April 2009


Good news babes!

Shi Min (from Charming Pieces) and I will be giving out free gifts at the Wonderful Market for the first 20 people to drop a comment on Charming Pieces :)
Do remember to leave your e-mail address as well coz she'll be e-mailing you a code to redeem your freebie :D

  1. Drop a comment together with your e-mail address here
  2. Wait for the code to be e-mailed to you
  3. Remember the code
  4. Redeem your free gift at the Wonderful Market (7th floor, near theme park entrance) at Berjaya Times Square from 11am - 8pm on 3rd May 2009

Yes, it's that simple~No purchase required ;)

Note: Will be checking the comments latest on 11pm 2nd May 2009

Monday, 20 April 2009

Winners for Earring Give Away

I know i know....everybody are waiting for the winners to be reveal....okok, here it is...

there are 14 participants who have entitled to the entry of lucky draw, no. are assign base on the sequence of ur comment.

1. Jeslyn
2. Tong SF
3. Agnes Sim
4. Guat Khim
5. SY
6. Ronny
7. Shera
8. Pussycat小野猫
9. Ciyou
10. Emily Choo
11. PeiSee
12. Jennykty
13. Wong
14. Fong

and the winners are no: 12, 3, 9

Congratulation to Jennykty, Agnes Sim and Ciyou~~~~ winners, please email your favourite pair and shipping address to

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Pearl Sterling Silver Earring Give Away

It's time to give away some gifts to my blog readers and friends~~

It's simple, just leave any comment here, then you're stand a chance to win the earring. I'll ship worldwide, no matter where u from, welcome to join the game.
I'll draw 3 person, and each of them can choose any 1 pair of the earring above. Closing date and time shall be 19/04/2009 (Sunday) 11.59pm (GMT +8:00) .

A Gift from Gianni

Gianni是刻rubber stamp的达人,手工真的很细。这张卡片上的建筑物是她刻出来,然后印在卡上的。这真的让我大开眼界,然后发现我国其实也蛮多手做大人的也。


Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Pearl Sterling Silver Earring

A simple yet elegant peral earring with Swarovski pearl and crystal wraped with Sterling Silver wire, attached to Sterling Silver earring hook. It's lovely~~~ and it's suit to any occasion either formal or casual.
我。。。 我完蛋了。
继上回使用Artictic Wire和Silver Plated Wire 之后,我这次竟然使用买了多时的925 Sterling Silver Wire, 一口气的作了这是对耳环。925 Sterling Silver Wire真的好贵阿。。。一不小心,我的钱就被丢进垃圾桶了。
简单的用Swarovski Peral, 配上浅色的swarovski 水晶珠,简单就是美。。。
又或许只是单单pearl, 就足以迷死人啦。

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Polymer Clay Beads Earing

A simple earring with colorful polymer clays beads.

Creative Malaysia Blogger Award

It's my great honour to receive this award from Etsy Malaysia Local Team.

My 5 sources of inspiration:

1. Japanese Magazine, Beads Friend
2. Etsy

Nominate 5 other Malaysian blogs which demonstrate some form of creativity:

please refer to here for more details~~

Friday, 10 April 2009


继上次跟Agnes第一次尝试手刻印章后,这一次更得心应手,不过还是没有美好啦。把刻好的印章粘在wooden block 上,是不是有莫有样啊。。

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Custom Made Rose Necklace

This is a custom made necklace that similar to this. Grace requested to make it in purple. Grace, hope u'll like it.

Saturday, 4 April 2009

When 2 into 1

A detachable handmade flower brooch and a faux leather strap, become this lovely hand accesories.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

A Jewelry Set for Dinner

花时间的原因是因为每一个eyepin都是我自己一个一个拗出来的 :p。因为务求每一支eyepin都不会相差太远,一些不太达标的都被我狠心的丢掉,所以浪费了不少的wire。再加上好多粒水晶wire的夹攻下报废了,一整条项链下来,还真的是损失惨重。
Phew...... fianally finish the dinner set. it's take me 2 weeks to completed.
I handmade the every single part of this set, from eyepin, jump ring to earring hook, all these process is really time consuming. All lot of material been wasted due to my tight quality control, haha~~~and some swarovski crystal broke by the wire, cry~~~~~
I was satisfied with the end result, really shine and sparkling these pieces, which can not show in the picture.


sterling silver lobster clasp.
A simple matching earring.