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Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Teh Gu Lai Leow

前一阵子回Johor老家,刚好碰到 Tako & Ireen 去新加坡摆档,就参着去玩玩。
吃饱了就慢条斯理的搭巴士去新加坡啦。。巴士直达bugis, 走几条街就到了要摆档的Haji Lane. 是很热一下咯。。。这条街两旁都是一些有特色的店哦。。其中我们的摊子对面的那间男装店,即便是没有开门,还是很多人停住观看哦。。。
这就是我们的摊位啦。。。刚好摆在太阳西斜晒得到的地方。当天的天气是阵雨连连,没下雨时就晒死你 -.-' 然后Ireen 好像妈妈晒衣酱一直把她那摆在外面的行李箱搬进搬出。。哈哈!!
我的部分,还带了美微的bear bear 过去。

Ireen 的部分

Ireen 的兔子被人认领了。。。一脸舍不得主人的委屈样子。。。
某人的手,2010崇春夏最新指甲彩妆?那指甲还要一直来tuk我还有tuk瘦猪。。。 不用时可以收起来。。哈!
市集完了,Tako & Ireen 回JB, 而我去了哥哥家过夜,顺便预些时间shopping... ^.^



Sunday, 27 December 2009

Good things from Daiso

去了新加坡一趟,没有买很多,可是在Daiso买到了这个,可以割纸和布的Rotary Cutter,还有割虚线的替换刀片。我在Spotlight也有看到,可是价钱真的是差个十万八千里,这个只要新币两元一把。
还有这个针织的小花片,3 个一包。自己不会织就买吧。。。

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Christmas Tree

This is the swap gift for Steve. well..... he is the only guy in the swap, accessory was just not suitable for him. Finally i've decided to make this to him: A christmas which full of ornament and a star on top with the name ''.
tata... here is it.
the stand made by aluminium wire.
the shining star, which made by recycle paper box.
(as claim by steve, their actual name is '', sorry ya, steve)
close up.
The crystal just like the ornament on tree,
This is the half done christmas tree. I've tried to dye the clay with acrylic color.... but it's just too hard to get the color i want. finally, paint it.

Steve and Icy,
hove you'll like it, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


This is the snowflake necklace/bracelet that made for Angelica under the swap game . I found the tutorial from internet and make some motification on it. With just a faux leather strap, it can be wear as necklace or bracelet.

Caca, hope you'll like it.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Santa Claus is coming to town

I have joined the swap game which organized by Agnes to swap for the handmade gift among local crafters. lets see what i got from my partners..
These are from Ice, and normally i called her mer. Mer is expert in sewing, this is her lovely handmade chirstmas soak and passport holder
These are from Dear Bear. The ginger bread man was pop up when i open the box. just imagine it was 'doooooi' out..... how funny is it.
Ginger bread man become Michelin Man?
some other cute cute stuffs.
thanks Agnes for organized the swap, thanks Ice and Dear Bear for the gift and wishing all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Christmas Sales

My Shop will have a Christmas Sales......... believe me... it's a real big big sales ... stay tuned~~~

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Big Heart

真的不知道那来的劲,竟然缝了这个带去Pipit摆美, 眼睛都要花了。

好不容易完成啦。。。还有两个小love做成别针,我和Agnes 一人一个在Pipit 时戴。
做成爱心小枕头出现在Pipit 现场啦~~~ 背景是我跟Agnes的摊子。

More Bracelets

还是一样在pipit market之前做的。

S 扣
用jump ring 串成的链链。


Friday, 27 November 2009

Another wired bracelet

这个是pipit market 之前做的,自己很喜欢这样的组合,有一点小复杂却又不失落利大方。
用 jump ring 组成的一小段链条。